Does Oil Pulling Break A Fast?

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In the world of staying healthy, two old-school practices are getting attention: oil pulling and fasting.

Oil pulling is an ancient practice from Ayurvedic traditions where you swish oil in your mouth to keep your mouth in check. People love it as it promises good oral and systemic health.

Then there’s fasting, a classic practice that’s been around forever.

Whether it’s taking breaks from eating – intermittent fasting, or going without food for a bit, fasting has its perks like managing weight and fixing up your cells.

Now, at the heart of our exploration lies a pivotal question: does the practice of oil pulling break a fast? Can you safely integrate it into your fasting routine to reap the benefits of both worlds?

To figure that out, in the next section, we’ll look into the science of both practices to find out if oil pulling messes with the benefits of fasting or if they team up well for your health.

So, Does Oil Pulling Break A Fast?

Fasting is a metabolic state where your body shifts gears to burn stored fat for energy. It’s a bit like a well-choreographed dance, but introducing calories is like tripping over your own feet – it disrupts the rhythm.

When you’re fasting, the golden rule is no calories. Why? Because even a little caloric intake can signal to your body that the fasting party is over.

The straightforward answer to whether oil pulling breaks a fast is yes, especially if you ingest a significant amount of the oil you are using.

Are there exceptions? Well, if you’re keeping it minimal – just a quick swish without turning it into an oil-guzzling session – you will not break your fast.

Swirling excess oil in your mouth and ingesting it might introduce some calories into the scene, putting a dent in your fasting efforts.

But here’s the twist – not all oils used for pulling will have the same impact on fasting states, therefore, choosing the right oil for your oil-pulling escapades can make or break your fasting journey.

Coconut oil, for instance, packs a more significant caloric content compared to others like sesame, olive, and sunflower oil and it will be more prone to breaking a fast if used for oil pulling during fasting windows.

Oil Pulling And Other Aspects Of Fasting – Autophagy And Ketosis.

Autophagy, the cellular cleanup process, goes into high gear during fasting.

However, introducing even small amounts of calories through oil pulling might potentially hinder its full activation.

While more research is needed, if maximizing autophagy is your fasting goal, it’s wise to approach oil-pulling with caution.

The same can be said about ketosis.

Oil pulling, especially with calorie-dense oils, could introduce calories and potentially disrupt the low-calorie state needed for effective ketosis.

If maintaining ketosis is a priority during your fast, you should be extra cautious when it comes to oil pulling.

Oral Health Vs Fasting Goals – Any Alternatives To Oil Pulling?

Now, let’s weigh the pros and cons. Is the promise of better oral health through oil pulling worth the risk of potentially breaking your fast?

1. Benefits of Oil Pulling:

  • Oil pulling has gained popularity for its oral health perks, from fresher breath to healthier gums.

    If your primary fasting goal is improved oral hygiene, the benefits of oil pulling may align with your health priorities.

    However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential calorie introduction and its impact on fasting dynamics.

2. Weighing Risks during Fasting:

  • On the flip side, if your fasting journey prioritizes the metabolic and cellular benefits that come from a low-calorie state, oil pulling could pose a challenge.

    The introduction of even minimal calories might interrupt the physiological processes that make fasting effective.

    It becomes a delicate balance between oral health gains and maintaining the integrity of your fasting goals.

3. Alternatives to Oil Pulling:

  • If the scale tips more towards preserving your fasting state, fear not – there are alternatives to oil pulling during fasting windows.

    Water, for instance, remains a steadfast ally in maintaining oral cleanliness without the risk of calorie introduction.

    Also, using a fluoride-free mouthwash or even plain water with a dash of salt can contribute to oral health without interfering with fasting goals.


The verdict is clear – oil pulling can disrupt fasting, especially with calorie-dense oils like coconut, but a minimal approach might not be a deal-breaker.

Choosing between oral health gains and fasting integrity will depend on your priorities.

While oil pulling offers benefits like fresher breath and healthier gums, its potential to interrupt metabolic processes, such as autophagy and ketosis, must be considered.

If you are cautious about fasting goals, alternatives like water or fluoride-free mouthwashes provide oral health without compromising your fasts.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.