Does Ginger Break A Fast? (Here’s Why It Might).

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If you are one of the millions of people who practice intermittent fasting, you may wonder if consuming raw ginger or adding it to your tea will break your fast.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between ginger and fasting, and answer the question: does ginger break a fast?

We will also look into the number of calories present in ginger, and its effects on ketosis, insulin, and autophagy.

Also, we will explore the benefits of consuming ginger during fasting and determine the best time to consume it.

So, if you’re an intermittent faster who loves ginger, keep reading to learn whether you can safely include it in your fasting routine.

Ginger And Intermittent Fasting.

Ginger has a long history of use as a medicinal herb for digestive problems, inflammation, and many other health conditions.

To know whether it has the potential to break a fast, we should first examine its calorie content, because anything that has calories, whether healthy or unhealthy will surely break your fast.

Does Ginger Have Calories?

Just so you know, ginger is available in up to six forms: fresh ginger root, powdered/ground, dried, pickled, preserved, and crystallized (or candied).

And yes Ginger has calories, according to the United States Department Of Agriculture(USDA), fresh ginger root has up to 80 calories for every 100 grams while Ground ginger has a whopping 336 calories for every 100 grams.

But hey, this doesn’t mean you automatically take in 80 or 336 calories every time you have ginger during your fast, no, that will be determined by the size of your serving and how many servings you take.

Let me give you some examples for context, a teaspoon of fresh ginger root has only 2 grams of ginger, which translates to only 1.6 calories.

For ground ginger, a teaspoon only has 1.8 grams of ginger, which translates to only 6.05 calories.

This is virtually all the information we need to figure out whether ginger can break a fast or not, so, see the verdict in the section that follows.

Does Ginger Break A Fast?

Yes, ginger does break a fast because it contains calories, taking any substance that contains calories will break a fast.

While ginger is so beneficial healthwise and it has a relatively low-calorie content, it is still considered a food, and consuming it during a fasting state can technically interfere with your fast.

The extent of the damage will largely depend on the size of the serving and the number of servings you take during your fasting window.

Some people believe that only calorie consumption of more than 50 calories will break a fast, while others believe that it is anything above 10 calories.

Some protocols, such as the dirty fasting protocol, allow for a few calories, while others, such as the water fasting protocol, do not permit any calorie intake.

That means if you are following a more strict fasting protocol, ginger will break your fast and you might need to wait for your cheat day or eating window.

If your protocol is somehow lenient, it might be okay to consume ginger during your fasting window.

On the other aspects of fasting.

Does Ginger Stop Ketosis?

Ginger does not stop ketosis.

It has been reported that ginger enhances metabolism, which leads to a higher rate of fat burning and it may be beneficial for those fasting with an aim to reach ketosis.

Also, ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar levels, which may help to maintain ketosis by keeping insulin levels low.

This suggests that ginger may be a helpful addition if you are fasting for ketosis.

Generally, there is no evidence that ginger stops ketosis, and it may actually support ketosis through its metabolic and blood sugar-lowering effects.

Does Ginger Spike Insulin?

No, ginger does not spike insulin levels.

Ginger has a low glycemic index, meaning it has little impact on blood sugar levels.

In fact, ginger has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in some studies.

This means that ginger can potentially improve glucose metabolism and aid in weight loss during a fast.

While ginger is unlikely to spike insulin, it is important to note that consuming large amounts of ginger supplements or ginger-infused drinks may contain added sugars or honey that could spike insulin and break your fast.

Does Ginger affect autophagy?

No, ginger does not stop autophagy during fasting, in fact, ginger has been found to increase autophagy in animal studies.

Autophagy is the body’s natural process of cellular cleanup and regeneration that occurs during fasting.

It is initiated when the body is in a low insulin and low glucose state, such as during fasting.

So, with all this fast-friendliness and calorie dilemma, can you still have ginger when fasting?

Can You Have Ginger During Intermittent Fasting?

Yes, you can have ginger during a fast if your fasting protocol can allow for a few calories.

If you are doing a clean fast, taking ginger will break your fast, but you can always wait for your intermittent fasting cheat day or eating window.

There are definitely numerous benefits to taking ginger during a fast and you shouldn’t let them pass.

One major benefit is its ability to reduce inflammation and promote digestion, which can help ease any discomfort or digestive issues that may arise during fasting.

Ginger also has thermogenic properties, meaning it can help increase metabolism and aid in weight loss.

It can also help control blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which is important for individuals who are fasting for weight loss and insulin sensitivity.

Will Ginger Break A Fast – Summary.

Here are some key takeaways from this blog post on whether ginger breaks a fast:

  • Ginger contains calories, and therefore, consuming it during a fast technically breaks the fast.
  • The extent of the damage depends on the size and number of servings consumed during the fasting window.
  • Ginger does not stop ketosis and may even support it by enhancing metabolism and lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Ginger has a low glycemic index and does not spike insulin levels, but large amounts of ginger supplements or ginger-infused drinks may contain added sugars that could break the fast.
  • Ginger does not affect autophagy during fasting and may even increase it.
  • If your fasting protocol allows for a few calories, you can consume ginger during a fast to benefit from its anti-inflammatory and digestion-promoting properties, thermogenic properties, and ability to control blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

Does Ginger Break A Fast – FAQ.

Does Ginger Tea Break A Fast?

Yes, adding a teaspoon of ginger to your tea will add about 1 to 7 calories, this will technically break your fast.

However, it depends on your fasting protocol and how many calories are acceptable to you during the fasting window.

Does Lemon Ginger Tea Break A Fast?

Yes, adding a teaspoon of ginger to your lemon tea will add about 1 to 7 calories, this will technically break your fast.

Besides, lemon is also not zero calories but it is low in calories.

However, it depends on your fasting protocol and how many calories are acceptable to you during the fasting window.

Does Ginger Shot Break A Fast?

Yes, ginger shots typically have relatively high amounts of ginger, which can break a fast.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.