Does Athletic Greens(AG1) Break A Fast?

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When it comes to intermittent fasting, it’s important to keep an eye on what you consume lest you break your fast or cause intermittent fasting plateaus.

Your main concern should be the number of calories that the specific product you want to use has and the other ingredients present.

Anecdotally, most experts say that to stay fasting, you need to consume more than 50 calories while others suggest 20 calories.

When it comes to Athletic Greens, a single serving (one scoop) has 50 calories – 6 grams of total carbohydrates, 2 grams of dietary fiber, and 2 grams of protein.

With that information, we can now conclude whether AG1 can break a fast or not.

Does Athletic Greens(AG1) Break A Fast?

Yes, Athletic Greens (AG1) does break a fast, that’s because one serving contains up to 50 calories with some carbohydrates and other nutrients that stop the fasting state.

And yes, I am fully aware that some protocols allow different amounts of calorie intake when fasting.

What you should figure out then is whether consuming calories from ag1 mid-fast is in line with your fasting goals and the protocol you follow.

If it’s not in line then schedule your Athletic greens(AG1) intake for your eating window – it will still help you with energy and satiety during your fasting window.

If you are fasting for weight loss, consuming 50 calories from Athletic Greens(AG1) while fasting may not cause weight gain as long as calories from other sources are totally limited.

If you want to tap into autophagy and other metabolic benefits of fasting, then the nutrients in ag1 might disrupt your fasting state, stop ketosis, and cause an insulin spike.

In such a case, you should only take Athletic greens during your eating window.

Benefits of Athletic Greens(AG1) When Fasting.

If you find a “loophole”, say your eating window, to incorporate Athletic Greens into your fasting protocol, or if your fasting protocol can allow it, then you’ll be happy to know that while ag1 can break your fast, it can come with some benefits.

Here are some benefits of AG1.

  1. It can increase your energy levels.

    Athletic Greens is packed with ingredients that can boost your energy levels, making it easier to get through the fasting period.

    This can also help with binging after fasting.

  2. It is a nutrient-dense supplement.

    Athletic Greens has a blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support your overall health and wellness goals.

  3. It supports gut health.

    Athletic Greens has probiotics and digestive enzymes that can support gut health during fasting, this works synergistically with fasting which promotes gut health by resting the gut.

  4. It can Increase satiety.

    The fiber and protein in the formula can help to increase satiety and keep you feeling full for longer.

    This can be specifically helpful if you consume AG1 when you are about to go into your fasting window.

By incorporating Athletic Greens into your fasting routine, especially during your eating windows and breakfasts, you can reap these benefits and more.

Remember, AG1 should not be a replacement for real food but a supplement to support your diet and health.

Should You Take AG1 While Fasting?

For this, the direct answer is no, you can not take ag1 while fasting but you can take it during your eating window – with its 50 calories and up to 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced ingredients, it has a high potential to break your fast.

For better fasting results, always keep your fasts clean and only consume calorie-free or low-calorie beverages like water and tea during your fast.

You can save supplements like Athletic greens(AG1), liquid IV, and Crystal Light for your eating window.

As an example, if you do the 15:9 intermittent fast, you can safely take ag1 during your 9-hour eating window.

For hydration, you can use the raw unflavored LMNT.

While the nutritional value of Athletic Greens is undisputable, it’s best to consume it when you are not fasting to avoid negating your fasting results or causing plateaus.

Here is how athletic greens taken during a fast can affect other processes related to the fasting state.

Does Athletic Greens Spike Insulin?

Yes, Athletic Greens can spike insulin levels due to the carbohydrates it contains.

However, the amount of insulin released may vary depending on your insulin sensitivity and the amount of Athletic Greens you consume.

The more AG1 you consume, the more carbohydrates you introduce, and, the more dramatic the insulin spike will be.

Does Athletic Greens Stop Ketosis?

Taking ag1 during fasting can potentially stop ketosis since it will introduce carbohydrates.

Again, this may not be significant and it will depend on how much athletic greens you take.

Does Athletic Greens Stop Autophagy?

Autophagy is a process that takes place when the body experiences a lack of nutrients as seen during fasting, during autophagy, the body breaks down its resources for energy.

It is basically a process of cellular cleanup and regeneration.

Consuming Athletic Greens during a fast is the same as introducing nutrients and it has the potential to stop autophagy.

Will AG1 Break A Fast – Summary.

Athletic Greens can be a valuable supplement to support your fasting routine and overall health.

The thing is, Athletic Freens(AG1) may not be appropriate for all fasting protocols as it may provide a few calories and break a fast.

In most cases, taking Athletic greens during a fast will break the fast so it only has to be consumed outside the fasting window.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.