Does Liquid IV Break A Fast?

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If you are wondering whether Liquid IV will break your fast, that is exactly what we are going to scientifically and practically answer here.

Keep in mind, I updated this article to factor in the all-new sugar-free Liquid IV hydration multiplier that was released on 21 Jun 2023.

The direct answer to the question is:

Yes, 1 stick of the normal Liquid IV has 40 – 50 calories and it can break your fast.

However, the new sugar-free Liquid IV only has 15 – 20 calories, so no, it will not break your fast.

While you can safely take liquid IV in some situations I’ll mention soon, do know that there are considerations to make and you’ll be safer erring on the side of caution and only taking liquid IV during your eating window.

Alternatively, if you are looking for an electrolyte/hydration drink that has no calories at all and doesn’t break a fast then you can use the raw unflavored LMNT.

The raw unflavored LMNT has zero calories, with no natural or artificial flavors yet it has a whopping 1000mg of sodium, 200mg of potassium, and 60mg of magnesium.

Why Did I Say Liquid IV, With 15 – 20 Calories, Does Not Break A Fast?

Well, it’s well within the anecdotal observation floating around that anything under 50 calories will not break a fast.

Now, our concern here is not 50, but 15 calories from the sugar-free Liquid IV.

On average, we burn 45 calories per hour (when we are doing nothing), – it will only take us 20 minutes to burn 15 calories from Liquid IV without any physical activity.

Meaning if Liquid IV were to lock you out of your fast, it would let you back in within 20 minutes.

Would that hinder your weight loss? Not really.

That means if you are mostly concerned about weight loss or you’re following a modified fasting approach that permits limited calorie intake, occasional and moderated use of Liquid IV may be permissible.

If you’re following a strict fasting protocol to maximize the metabolic benefits of fasting, then it’s best you drink liquid IV only during your eating window, this will also support your hydration well into your fasting window.

We’ll talk about the benefits of taking liquid IV while fasting later in this section let’s first address another concern.

Liquid IV And Fasting – When Liquid IV Might Break Your Fast.

Liquid IV products might slightly differ in the number of calories but most share the same ingredients.

Common Liquid I.V ingredients are Dextrose, Vitamin C, Vitamins B3, B5, B6, and B12, Mined Salts, Natural flavors, Stevia leaf extract, Silicon dioxide, Dipotassium phosphate, Citric acid, Potassium citrate, and sodium citrate.

While the new sugar-free Liquid IV does not have dextrose, it still contains 5 grams of carbohydrates (down from 11 in the normal Liquid IV) and Allusose(a naturally occurring sweetener) which raises the concern of an insulin response.

Five grams of carbohydrates, which is a relatively small amount, would not typically elicit a significant insulin response to either break a fast or hinder weight loss goals and autophagy on its own.

But it’s so important to keep that in mind – if you decide to go ahead and take Liquid IV during fasting, then you should strictly limit the intake of other trivial sources of carbs.

If you consume Liquid IV along with other sources of carbs, it could result in a more substantial insulin response and break your fast.

Further, you should monitor your progress and then stop using Liquid IV if its use hinders your goals.

Benefits Of Drinking Liquid I.V. while Fasting.

While Liquid IV was initially a no-go for intermittent fasters, the introduction of their new low-calorie and sugar-free hydration multiplier might make it a good choice for a hydration drink when following some intermittent fasting protocols.

If your fasting protocol and personal goals can allow you to consume about 15 – 20 calories from the sugar-free Liquid IV, or if you choose to drink Liquid I.V during your eating windows alone, here is what it can offer:

  1. It alleviates low electrolyte symptoms during fasting.

    Liquid I.V. has three times the electrolytes found in most sports drinks, these electrolytes play important roles in our bodies.

    We don’t get our normal diet during fasting and our levels of these electrolytes can significantly drop causing symptoms like muscle cramps, irritability, and fatigue.

    Getting a glass of the sugar-free Liquid I.V. when fasting can therefore come in handy.

  2. Provides faster and more efficient hydration.

    Liquid I.V. uses its Cellular Transport Technology (CTT)®️ to efficiently transport the fluid through your body, this makes hydration with Liquid I.V. quicker than hydration with water alone.

  3. Provides you with important minerals and vitamins.

    Liquid I.V. is packed with different vitamins and minerals that can make your body function optimally even when fasting.

Remember, it’s recommended that you do not take more than one stick of liquid IV per day.

Will Liquid IV Break A Fast – Summary.

The new sugar-free Liquid IV only has 15 – 20 calories depending on the flavor and drinking it in moderation will not kick you out of the fasting state.

What’s more? Liquid IV is packed with different vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes which makes it so important for a healthy lifestyle.

But, just like with everything else, moderation is key.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.