Can You Have A Cheat Day In Intermittent Fasting?

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Hey, I get it, sticking to a fasting schedule can be tough, and some days you just need to let loose, that’s where intermittent fasting cheat days can come in to most people.

But before you reach for that pizza slice or pint of ice cream, let’s talk about the impact and the benefits these cheat days can have on your intermittent fasting journey.

In this post, I’ll cover everything you need to know about incorporating cheat days into your fasting routine without undoing all your hard work or inviting weight loss plateaus.

Lets’s first get a mutual understanding of what these cheat days are.

What Is A Cheat Day In Intermittent Fasting?

Simply put, a cheat day refers to a day where you deviate from your usual intermittent fasting schedule or its dietary restrictions.

It’s also appropriate then to say that an intermittent fasting cheat day is the day when you might intentionally eat outside of your ‘eating window’.

For many of us, this will mean not heeding your “fasting window alarm” and instead continuing feasting when you are supposed to be fasting.

But as I’ve clearly stated, it extends to the days when you do not observe other dietary restrictions i.e. when you take caloric beverages during your fasting window.

Having a cheat day can definitely satisfy your cravings, relieve the monotony, and psychologically make your fasting journey more enjoyable.

But is it okay to have a cheat day and what are the benefits of having one?

Can You Have A Cheat Day On Intermittent Fasting?

Yes, you can absolutely have a cheat day on intermittent fasting, when done right, not only will an occasional cheat day help you adhere to fasting but it can also help you prevent weight loss plateaus.

However, there is a right and a wrong way to do a cheat day when it comes to intermittent fasting.

While occasional and intentional cheat days can boost your progress with weight loss and other intermittent fasting goals, frequent and poorly planned cheat days can stall your progress.

Something else, you can have these cheat days on any intermittent fasting schedule you follow, whether it’s the 16/8, 18/6, 15/9, 17/7, 19/5, or 22/2 – you just have to do it right and for the right purpose.

We mentioned that cheat days can be an important addition to an intermittent fasting schedule, but how can they?

Let’s see.

The Benefits Of Having A Cheat Day On Intermittent Fasting.

Note: this section is not meant to promote the idea of having cheat days, unnecessary cheat days will definitely stop your weight loss progress.

When done right occasional cheat days can offer you the following benefits:

  1. A cheat day can break your plateau or speed up weight loss.

    When we restrict calories for an extended period, our bodies may interpret this as a signal of scarcity, causing our metabolic rate to decrease as a survival mechanism.

    This slowdown in metabolism can hinder weight loss efforts and make it more challenging to shed those last few pounds.

    A sudden increase in calories from a cheat day can signal to your body that it’s not in a state of continuous deprivation preventing it from slowing down and potentially breaking through weight loss plateaus.

  2. Mental sanity and satisfaction.

    Following a strict intermittent fasting routine and restricting yourself can be challenging and can lead to feelings of deprivation and frustration.

    That’s true especially when you’re just starting out.

    By knowing that you have a cheat day to look forward to, you can stay motivated and disciplined during the rest of your fasting period.

  3. Social flexibility.

    Eating out with friends on weekends or attending social gatherings while fasting can sometimes feel like a challenge.

    Scheduling your cheat days for such days can give you flexibility.

It’s important to approach cheat days with caution and mindfulness – avoid all unnecessary cheat days as much as possible.

While it’s okay and sometimes necessary to cheat, you still need to be aware of the types of foods and drinks you consume, as well as the quantity.

Going overboard on a cheat day can undo all the progress you’ve made with fasting.

How Cheat Days Might Negatively Affect You.

While cheat days can be important and sometimes necessary, they have their own drawbacks.

Here are some:

  1. Cheat days can also disrupt the habit-building process of intermittent fasting, making it harder to maintain consistency.
  2. There is a high risk of overindulgence, where a cheat day can turn into a binge-eating episode.

    This can lead to feelings of guilt, derail progress, or create an unhealthy relationship with food.
  3. You may find it challenging to return to your regular fasting routine after a cheat day, as cravings and the desire for more can stay.

It’s important to approach cheat days with moderation, mindfulness, and self-control to minimize these challenges.

In the next section, we’ll look at how best to incorporate cheat days so as to avoid these challenges.

How To Incorporate Cheat Days On Intermittent Fasting.

Now that we’ve established that cheat days can be a beneficial addition to your intermittent fasting journey, let’s talk about how to incorporate them effectively.

Here’s a guide on how to cheat on intermittent fasting:

  1. Plan your cheat days.

    This is important, you should intentionally plan when you are going to break your intermittent fasting schedule and have a cheat day.

    Without planning, you’ll always find yourself unnecessarily cheating.

    You can have 1cheat day per week maximum but I recommend only 1 in two weeks.

    You should also plan what foods and how much food you are going to consume on the specific cheat day.

  2. Stick to your fasting schedule on non-cheat days.

    On the days leading up to your cheat day, adhere strictly to your intermittent fasting schedule.

    Whether it’s fasting for 16 hours daily or following a different fasting pattern, maintain consistency and discipline during these non-cheat days.

  3. Enjoy your cheat day.

    On your designated cheat day, relax the restrictions of your fasting routine and enjoy, it helps.

    Avoid turning your cheat day into a full-blown binge or overindulgence.

    Be mindful of portion sizes and listen to your body’s signals of fullness.

  4. Resume fasting routine.

    After your cheat day is over, return to your regular intermittent fasting routine.

    Resume your fasting period and stick to your planned schedule until the next cheat day comes around.

  5. Assess and adjust as needed.

    Observe how incorporating a cheat day affects your overall progress and well-being.

    Pay attention to any changes in weight, energy levels, and adherence to your intermittent fasting routine.

    If you find that the cheat day is negatively impacting your goals or making it harder to stay consistent, you can consider adjusting the frequency or approach to better suit your needs.

The key to a productive IF cheat day is to practice moderation, excessive cheat days can make it harder to get back into your fasting routine and set you back in your progress.

What To Do After A Cheat Day In Intermittent Fasting.

So, you’ve enjoyed a cheat day and now it’s time to get back on track with your fasting routine.

Here is what you need to do after your IF cheat day.

  1. Get back on your regular fasting schedule as soon as possible.

    After your cheat day, you should return to your normal fasting and be mindful of what you eat during your eating window.

    This means starting your eating window after your last cheat meal.
  2. Drink plenty of water to help flush out any excess salt or sugar from your system.
  3. Try to stay active and move your body, exercise can help with digestion and reduce any negative effects of your cheat day.
  4. Avoid overindulging in future cheat days, the goal is to find a balance between healthy eating and cheating occasionally to boost or stop your metabolism from slowing down.
  5. Finally, don’t beat yourself up over a cheat day whether the cheat day was intentional or unintentional.

    Everyone has slip-ups and it’s important to maintain a positive mindset as you continue on your intermittent fasting journey.

Summary And Key Takeaways.

Without any doubt, a cheat day can provide a much-needed break and also boost your metabolism.

But it’s still important to understand the impact of a cheat day on your body and how to incorporate it into your intermittent fasting routine effectively.

After a cheat day, it’s crucial to get back on track with your fasting schedule, drink plenty of water, and stay active.

Always remember to assess your goals and make any necessary changes.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.