Does Tea Break A Fast? Can You Drink Tea While Fasting?

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Wondering whether drinking tea during a fast can break your fast? We’ll look into that in this blog post.

The general assumption is that it doesn’t, but understanding the nutritive nature of tea will give you an understanding of the impact it can have on your fasts.

I won’t get into “wikipedia-like” details about tea because only its nutritional value is relevant to whether it can break your fast.

So let’s get into it.

Does Tea Have Calories?

Yes, tea has calories, but plain tea without any additives is super low in calories. According to USDA, 1 serving, 8 fl oz cup (237 ml) of tea has only one calorie.

So, unless you adulterate it by adding milk, sugar, honey, or any other sweeteners(e.g. aspartame), tea is generally low in calories.

When it comes to fasting, tea is always innocent until made guilty.

So, Does Tea Break A Fast?

The simple answer is no, tea does not break a fast. It contains very few calories and nutrients, so drinking it plain and unsweetened is unlikely to break your fast.

But, before you sip, there is an exception!

If you are doing a water fast, water is your only go-to. Drinking tea during this type of fasting is a taboo that can break your fast.

To simplify things, your fasting protocol will determine whether drinking tea will break it.

Before we look at some of the benefits of tea during a fast, it’s important to know tea’s impact on other aspects of fasting.

Does Tea Stop Ketosis?

No, tea does not stop ketosis. It does not have a significant amount of carbohydrates and proteins, carbs have the highest potential to stop ketosis.

Only adulterated tea can stop ketosis(as implied earlier).

Does Tea Spike Insulin?

Since insulin is released as a response to increased blood sugar levels, drinking plain tea should not elicit any insulin spike thanks to its insignificant levels of carbohydrates.

Does Tea Stop Autophagy?

No, drinking tea does not stop autophagy, on the contrary, drinking tea might promote autophagy.

How, you might ask?

Well, evidence suggests that some types of teas have compounds called catechins some of which promote autophagy due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties1.

Can You Drink Tea While Fasting?

Yes, you can drink tea while fasting because tea is unlikely to break your fast, what’s more? Tea can even be beneficial during fasting.

But as I mentioned earlier, your tea should be pure, do not add any “calorie-packed” sweeteners, whether natural or artificial.

Also, I have been assuming all along that what you’re calling tea is true tea from the tea plant Camellia Sinensis and not some other types of sneaky “teas” like fruit teas – these teas will likely contain calories and they can break your fast.

Something else you should pay attention to before drinking tea during a fast, or just any other time, is caffeine intolerance.

If you are intolerant, consider drinking herbal teas, these teas do not have caffeine unless you blend them with non-herbal teas that have caffeine.

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Tea While Fasting?

There are several benefits to drinking tea while fasting, here are a few:

  1. It helps keep you hydrated.

    We all know the importance of hydration when fasting, and since sophisticated liquids like liquid I.V can break your fast, tea can come in handy.

  2. It can keep you full and lessen hunger pangs.

    Yes, beverages like tea can help you feel full, which will keep you going during your fast and even help you avoid having a binge after your fast.

    Tea that contains caffeine can also give you the so-much-needed energy boost during fasting.

  3. It promotes autophagy.

    Of the many fasting benefits, one that so many yearn for is autophagy. Tea can help you achieve this since it enhances autophagy.

Of course, there is more, like how tea can promote weight loss and alleviate stomach upset/discomfort that often occurs during fasting.

Which Is The Best Tea To Drink While Fasting?

When picking the best tea for fasting, there are a few things to consider:

  1. The ingredients, especially if you are buying ready-to-drink teas.
  2. The caffeine content and your caffeine tolerance.
  3. Your personal preferences e.g. flavor.

To answer your question, green tea is the best tea for fasting, it is a non-herbal tea with a moderate amount of caffeine (to give you a boost of energy), and it’s also low in calories and rich in antioxidants.

How To Make Tea For Fasting.

Here’s a simple recipe you can use to make tea for fasting.

Time needed: 5 minutes

Here’s a simple recipe to make tea for fasting. Ingredients you’ll need include 1 tsp of loose tea leaves or 1 tea bag and a cup of water.

  1. Boil the water.

    Heat up one cup of water in a pot or kettle until it comes to a boil.

  2. Prepare the tea.

    Place either one teaspoon of loose tea leaves or one tea bag into a mug or teapot.

  3. Pour the water.

    After the water has come to a boil, carefully pour it over the tea leaves or tea bag that you placed in the mug or teapot.

  4. Steep the tea.

    Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes, or until it reaches your desired strength.

  5. Remove the tea leaves or tea bag.

    After the tea has steeped, remove the tea leaves or tea bag from the teapot or mug.

  6. Serve and enjoy.

    Take small sips of the tea and enjoy its delicious flavor while fasting.

How Much Tea Should You Drink While Fasting?

When fasting, it is recommended to drink one to two cups per day, you should however consider your caffeine tolerance, the amount of calories in the specific tea, and the fasting regimen you follow.

Always remember that moderation is key.

Does Tea Break A Fast – Summary.

The answer to the question of whether tea can break a fast depends on several factors, like the type of tea and the fasting regimen you are following.

But in general, tea is safe to drink during a fast as long as you do it in moderation and without adding any sweeteners or milk.

Can I Drink Tea While Fasting – FAQ.

What Kind Of Tea Can I Drink While Fasting?

You can drink all kinds of true teas while fasting, these teas will not break your fast because they do not contain any significant amount of calories.

Can I Have Tea With Milk While Fasting?

No, you can not have tea with milk while fasting. While plain tea is a fast-friendly beverage, adding just a tbs of whole milk adds approximately 9 calories, if not moderated, it can break your fast.

What Tea Does Not Break A Fast?

Almost all true teas do not break a fast thanks to their low-calorie nature. The calorie and caffeine content might vary across different teas but it’s generally low.

Does Tea With Milk And Sugar Break Intermittent Fasting?

Yes, tea with milk and sugar breaks intermittent fasting. While plain tea is fast-friendly, both milk and sugar contain carbs and calories that can break your fast.

Can You Drink Tea With Lemon While Fasting?

Yes, you can drink tea with lemon while fasting, both tea and lemon are low in calories and they are not likely to break your fast, this will, however, need moderation.

  1. Prasanth MI, Sivamaruthi BS, Chaiyasut C, Tencomnao T. A Review of the Role of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) in Antiphotoaging, Stress Resistance, Neuroprotection, and Autophagy. Nutrients. 2019 Feb 23;11(2):474. doi: 10.3390/nu11020474. PMID: 30813433; PMCID: PMC6412948. – link.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.