Does Alpha Brain Break A Fast? (Alpha Brain And Fasting).

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If you wonder whether Alpha Brain will break a fast, here is what you need to know.

Yes, Alpha Brain can break a fast, so taking alpha brain supplements during prolonged or intermittent fasting is generally not recommended.

We will discuss the exceptions soon, but let me first give you 2 reasons for this;

One, some of the Alpha Brain supplements (alpha brain focus shot and alpha brain instant) have calories, and even though they are low in calories (10 calories per serving), the general rule in fasting is that anything with calories can break a fast.

Two, most Alpha Brain supplements have ingredients (L-tyrosine) that can stimulate insulin secretion, which will in turn cause glucose uptake, and this will break your fast.

So, Can You Take Alpha Brain During Fasting?

While Alpha Brain is low in calories, you can not take it during fasting because it still has the potential to technically break your fast and cause slow results or intermittent fasting plateaus.

Besides, taking Alpha Brain on an empty stomach, as in fasting, may increase the risk of gastrointestinal side effects, such as nausea or stomach discomfort and you should aim to take it after a light meal.

To fully benefit from a fast, especially if you are doing a short fast like the 15/9 fast, it should be true and clean.

You should aim for total gut rest, and your “go-to beverage” during the fasting window should be water.

Alpha Brain is great for its own purposes but taking it during a fast will make it hard for you to reach ketosis and autophagy which means you won’t fully benefit from your fast.

When Alpha Brain Will Not Break A Fast.

Fasting is a delicate affair, to fully benefit from it you should mind what you consume during your fasting windows.

Beverages like green tea and plain water will be okay but most supplements like Alpha Brain will only be okay in a few cases.

One is if you are doing a dirty fast.

A dirty fast refers to a type of fast where certain foods or beverages are consumed that technically break the fast but are still considered acceptable.

The foods and beverages consumed might hinder some progress, but theoretically, they won’t break the fast.

Alpha Brain will totally be acceptable if you are doing this type of fast as compared to if you were doing a water fast where only water can be consumed.

Another exception is if your goal is only to do calorie restriction.

In this case, taking Alpha Brain will not veer you off your goals because the number of calories it has is negligible.

If your goal is purely weight loss, taking Alpha Brain during your fasts will not stop you from eventually losing weight.

Will Alpha Brain Break A Fast – Key Takeaways.

  • Alpha Brain can break a fast, as some of its supplements have calories and ingredients that stimulate insulin secretion and glucose uptake, which can break a fast.
  • Taking Alpha Brain on an empty stomach during fasting may increase the risk of gastrointestinal side effects, and it is recommended to take it after a light meal.
  • To fully benefit from a fast, it is best to aim for total gut rest and consume only water or acceptable beverages like green tea.
  • Alpha Brain may be acceptable during a dirty fast or if the goal is purely calorie restriction, but it is still important to be mindful of what is consumed during fasting windows.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.