Does Kombucha Break A Fast? (Kombucha While Fasting).

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Are you curious if drinking Kombucha during intermittent fasting will break your fast?

This article will explore the relationship between Kombucha and fasting, its calorie content, and its effects on ketosis, insulin, and autophagy.

As a probiotic-rich drink, Kombucha has many potential health benefits and it might be tempting to use it during a fast.

But it’s good to know if it has any impact on a fast first.

The key to knowing if Kombucha will break your fast is examining its calorie content, which can vary depending on the brewing process and ingredients.

Keep reading to learn more and find out whether Kombucha can safely be included in your fasting routine.

Does Kombucha Have Calories?

Generally, Kombucha is produced by adding a SCOBY into sweetened black or green tea, then allowing it to ferment for 1–4 weeks, bacteria and yeast in the SCOBY break the tea’s sugars and convert them into alcohol, carbon dioxide, and acids.

And yes, kombucha does contain calories, the amount may vary based on the ingredients used and the brewing process but a standard 16 oz bottle of Kombucha may contain anywhere between 30 and 60 calories.

The number of calories you consume will depend on the size of your serving and how many servings you have.

Therefore, if you’re fasting and concerned about calorie intake, it’s essential to be mindful of how much Kombucha you consume, if you decide to that is.

It’s always a good idea to check the nutritional information and ingredient list of the specific brand of kombucha you plan to consume.

With this information, we can determine whether consuming Kombucha during a fast will break it or not.

Check out the verdict in the section below.

Does Kombucha Break A Fast?

Yes, Kombucha can break a fast, while Kombucha has low-calorie content and is rich in probiotics, it still contains calories that can technically break a fast.

The amount of damage depends on the serving size and how many servings you consume during your fasting period.

There is no clear consensus on the exact number of calories that break a fast, as it varies between protocols.

Some allow for a small number of calories, while others permit none at all.

If you are following a strict fasting protocol, such as water fasting, it’s best to avoid Kombucha during your fasting period and save it for your eating window or cheat day.

However, if your protocol allows for some calorie intake, it may be okay to have Kombucha in moderation.

On the other aspects of fasting.

Does Kombucha Stop Ketosis?

Kombucha typically contains some amount of sugar, which can trigger an insulin response and potentially interfere with ketosis.

Some brands of kombucha may have less sugar and therefore have a lower impact on blood sugar levels and insulin response.

Does Kombucha Stop Autophagy?

While there is limited research on the effects of kombucha specifically on autophagy, it is well-known that autophagy is increased by fasting and low-calorie diets.

Since kombucha contains some calories, it may potentially slow down autophagy during your fast.

Can You Drink Kombucha While Fasting?

If your fasting protocol allows for a few calories, then you can consume kombucha during a fast.

However, if you’re doing a clean fast, consuming kombucha will break your fast but you can always wait for your intermittent fasting eating window or cheat day.

Kombucha has several potential benefits when consumed during a fast, such as improving gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

This can help alleviate any digestive issues that may arise during fasting.

Also, since kombucha is a low-calorie drink, it can help control blood sugar levels, making it an ideal option if you are fasting for weight loss or insulin sensitivity.

It’s also rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and protect the body from harmful free radicals.

There you go, while kombucha may not be suitable for all fasting protocols, it can be a beneficial drink choice for those looking to support their health during fasting.

Will Kombucha Break Your Fast – Key Takeaways.

  • Kombucha can contain calories, so if you’re concerned about calorie intake during fasting, it’s important to be mindful of how much you consume.
  • Consuming Kombucha during a fast can technically break the fast, as it contains calories.
  • The impact of Kombucha on fasting may depend on the specific fasting protocol being followed. Some protocols allow for a small amount of calories, while others don’t allow any at all.
  • Kombucha may have an impact on ketosis and autophagy during fasting, due to its sugar and calorie content.
  • Kombucha has several potential health benefits, including promoting gut health, controlling blood sugar levels, and providing antioxidants.
  • If your fasting protocol allows for some calorie intake, Kombucha can be a beneficial drink choice during fasting. However, if you’re doing a clean fast, it’s best to avoid it during your fasting period.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.