Does Creatine Break A Fast? – All The Details.

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One thing we all love about Creatine is how it can immensely power us up, improve our performance and bulk us up.

For that, we always love to get some grams before or after our workouts to boost our gains.

But again, fasted workouts are becoming popular.

Many want to enjoy the benefits of fasting, creatine and a workout at the same time.

The major concern is whether taking creatine can break a fast.

That’s a genuine concern, you do not want to gulp anything that will break your hard earned fast and reverse your progress.

So today I’m going to clear all your doubts once and for all, so you can make an informed decision and focus on what matters.

But first things first.

What Is Creatine?

Creatine monohydrate is a popular supplement that gives your muscles energy for contraction.

We do not always need creatine supplements since our Liver and Kidney can synthesize creatine.

You can also get creatine from your diet by taking red meat, fish, and chicken.

People with low levels of creatine and regular athletes often have to add to their dietary intake of creatine with a supplement.

Supplementing is always beneficial in terms of performance and building muscles but most people who care about fasting are concerned about whether taking a creatine supplement during their fasting periods can break their fasts and reverse their gains. Let’s address that in the next section.

Does Creatine Break A Fast?

No, Creatine does not break a fast – it is a simple non-proteogenic amino acid with no ability to elicit insulin secretion.

Creatine will also not break your autophagy or your ketosis.

Whether you are on a prolonged or intermittent fast, you can take Creatine without the fear that it’s going to break your fast.

You should be careful though!

Some fancy “flavored” forms of Creatine have sweeteners and added sugar, these might have calories and they will likely break your fast.

Always read the product labels of the creatine you want to purchase and make sure it does not have any sweeteners, more strictly, make sure it does not have any added flavors.

Should You Take Creatine When Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent and prolonged fasts do not necessarily require supplementation with creatine.

The sole purpose of supplementing with creatine even when you are not fasting is to increase your muscle mass and boost your physical performance.

There are other benefits to supplementing with creatine, including:

  • It promotes quick recovery after exercise.
  • It reduces extent of muscle damage.
  • It speeds up muscle growth.
  • It can help with brain health.

Best Creatine That Won’t Break A fast.

If you are concerned about your fasts, always buy this pure Creatine Monohydrate that has no sweeteners or any other added flavors or artificial colors.

How To Take Creatine While Fasting.

How you take creatine when you are fasting will depend on the form of the creatine you are using, if you are using a powder, only mix it with pure warm water or any other compatible drink that has no calories.

Warm water will speed up the dissolving although it does not make it any more effective.

If you use tablets, the rule is the same, do not drink them with any liquid that contains calories.

Best Time To Take Creatine When Fasting.

The best time to take creatine when fasting is 30 minutes before your workout or immediately after your workout.

If you are on your eating window or your Intermittent fasting cheat day, taking it with any of your meals will be more beneficial.

Taking creatine with meals (especially carbs) is important, otherwise, some of it will go to waste.

“Why is it so you might ask?”.

Several studies have demonstrated that taking creatine with carbohydrates improves its uptake by muscles.

But since we are all about fasting here, I should assure you that this fact should not work you up.

I cherry-picked the word “some” because not all your creatine will go to waste.

Moreover, it’s better than no supplement at all.

How Much Creatine Should You Take While Fasting?

No amount of creatine will break your fast, but that is not a warrant for you to overdose.

Stick to the recommended 3 to 5 grams per day when intermittent fasting and feel free to add a gram if you are fasting for long periods.

Side Effects Of Taking Creatine While Fasting.

Taking creatine (especially at higher doses) while fasting can result to some of the following undesired side effects:

  • Stomach discomfort/upset.
  • Dizziness.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Liver damage.
  • Hypertension.

To avoid these side effects, do not exceed the recommended daily dose of creatine.

Also, stop immediately and consult your doctor in case you experience any of these side effects.

Does Creatine Break A Fast – Summary.

Creatine is a non-proteogenic amino acid and taking it during your fasts will not break the fast.

However, you should be careful about the creatine you consume as some of them might contain some flavors and added sugars which (if they have calories) can break your fast.


Victor M. Banzi.

Victor is a physician assistant by profession and a passionate blogger who writes about different topics. With a deep understanding of healthcare and wellness, he uses his expertise to provide valuable insights and advice on fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle through Healthips.